Atlas of Weak Signals¶
For the introduction to the card game Atlas of Weak Signals (AoWS) Mariana Quintero took us to Jardin de las Mariposas (near IAAC). To play a game by scanning connections through societal triggers was like making sense of the chaos in 30min. At the same time, we were collecting vocabulary to speak our interests into existence. I see how this can be helpful when mapping/looking for partners, as it is easier to find your “tribe” when you know the words they go by.
From the AoWS deck, we used 3 types of cards: 1) Weak Signals; 2) Areas of opportunity; 3) Random Triggers. To get familiar with the game logic we started by taking out random cards and trying to make sense of it all.
On my first try these were the cards I had to connect for a hypothetical design intervention/project:
Weak Signals
Disrupt ageism
Random Triggers
Food/Agro computing
Farm Academy
Areas of opportunity
- Cities
My thought process:
- Ageism is caused by not accepting life cycles. People tend to focus on the outside rather than the inside. Solution: Make an inwards shift, take care of the inside
- Long-Terminism can be integrated by helping to disrupt ageism through different generations. For example, from mother to daughter and so on.
- Food and farming can be our tools to get to the end goal of building a better relationship with our own life cycle by being surrounded by nature and respecting food/plants/ and their natural life cycles.
- Cities are where the relationship with nature is the most fragile and distant.
A possible outcome of the 1st launch of cards: Create spaces/initiatives in cities where people can break the mold of ageism for themselves and future generations trough permaculture/urban agriculture.